April 30, 2015 C-Stik Pre-Fish Dolphin Tournament:
Tarpon Creek Bar & Grill…. will be hosting the Marathon Offshore Bull & Cow Dolphin Tournament’s KICK OFF PARTY & the C-Stik Custom Rod’s Pre-Fish Dolphin Tournament Captain’s Meeting; Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 7:00pm.
*Fish caught in this one day (Friday, May 1, 2015) Pre-Fish Dolphin Tournament are NOT counted towards the Marathon Offshore Bull & Cow Dolphin Tournament.
This is a pre-fish/fun day of dolphin fishing that pays out $$$ and allows fishing teams to scope out the area.
Prize: This year there will be a base prize of $1000 for the largest dolphin caught and a 50/30/20 split on boats entered in this one day event @ $200/boat entry fee.
ONLY boats registered in the Marathon Offshore Bull & Cow Dolphin Tournament will be allowed to enter this even